Breastfeeding Essentials
1 | Breastfeeding pillow // No matter what kind you get, you are going to need some kind of pillow to help prop baby. We use a Boppy pillow, I don't love it, but it gets the job done, and we can use it for other things like propping baby and will be able to use it in the future for tummy time.
3 | Lil' buds // Useful beyond breast care, but amazing relief for symptoms related clogged ducts and mastitis. All you have to do is stick them in the microwave (my preference!) or refrigerator. We have the lavender ones & I would definitely recommend them, it makes them extra soothing. Pictured is the Classic Aqua Net
4 | Jumbo water bottle // The first couple weeks I was so thirsty. Almost every feeding I had Josh fill up my 32 oz. jug the hospital provided. Even now almost 4 months later it is still my go to cup!
5 | Grab & go snacks // Babies seem to want to eat right around meal time! So, having handy snacks are useful until you can grab a few bites of your meal. We really like making energy bites, cheese and cracker plates, and having plenty fresh fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat.
8 | Ottoman // We all need to put our feet up a little bit! I love having an ottoman to put my feet on while feeding our sweet girl, especially when it is 2 a.m.
9 | Coconut oil // The early breastfeeding pain is legitimate. Coconut oil is something most of us keep around the house (I used it on my belly all the time while pregnant.) and is an easy and safe nipple salve. If you're looking to buy one, I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Butter
10 | Nursing bra // There are a million and one nursing bras out there. My advice is try on a bunch and figure out what works for you. Also, invest in a few sleep bras, because they are wonderful and I love that you just pull the cup to the side.
2 | Breast pump // Definitely a must if you want to be able to give your babe a bottle when you are away and also if you are going to go back to work. You can read all about the breast pumps I tried here if you're looking for one.
6 | Pump bag and reusable pump parts bag // Going along with #2, you are going to need something to tote your pump around in. The absolute BEST pump bags out there are Sarah Wells bags. I'm eyeing one up for Christmas so I can stop carrySarah Wells also makes a bag calling 3 bags to work everyday. Sarah Wells also makes the Pumparoo which all pumping mamas need to have. It is a breast pump parts bag which is reusable. Stop using Zip-loc bags & get this instead, you'll save money in the long run! Pictured is the Pumparoo in limited edition Floral.
7 | Bottles // Every baby is different and I know some mamas have to try 5 kinds before they find one baby likes, but we like the Avent Natural bottles. We had about 3 smaller 4 oz. bottles and now have 6 larger 9 oz. bottles. This number works well for us!
And of course even almost four months in things get messy so just laugh when you get spit up all over you or your little one has a blow out in the middle of feeding!