Our baby girl turns 2 weeks old this week! I'm already bawling my eyes that time is going by! But we slept 7 hours straight yesterday so I'm thankful we're maybe making sleep progress?!? We learned a million things over that first week of being parents but here's just a few...
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1 | Make sure you have a change of clothes in your diaper bag // Total new parent oops...went to a doctor's appointment and she went potty all over her outfit. I was beyond thankful the Birth Center was kind enough to dig up an outfit to send us home in otherwise Josh would have had to head home to get an outfit then come back. Lesson learned--watch what you pack in the bag!
2 | Two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward // My husband loves to remind me of this one. Each day has its own triumphs and challenges. When you think you've got it figured out everything changes again and you start all over. The main thing is, keep moving forward. Take it one day at a time and soak up each of those days.
3 | Get dressed...most days // While it might seem appealing to hang in your jams for 12 weeks, I know I feel a lot better the days I get dressed versus staying in sleep clothes all day. I still wear ultra comfy clothes, because, hello if breastfeeding your babe is gonna need easy access to food. But in all reality this helps me mentally & emotionally prepare for the day.
4 | It's okay to do nothing // Per my momma's words, "You have the best job right now and that's taking care of your little girl and that is ultimate productivity." Everyone tells you to sleep when the baby sleeps but they don't tell you how to do it.
5 | Get yourself some snacks ready // Breastfeeding burns calories Girl! I didn't know I would be this hungry, not to mention I might get one normal meal a day. So, stock up on snacks or ask friends and family to bring a healthy snack option when they come to visit.