First let me say, do yourself a favor and get a Sarah Wells pump bag. When I first returned to work I had put together a bag for all my pump stuff but it really only held my pump and some milk bags, nothing else fit. For four months I ended up carrying this bag, a lunch bag, a cooler for my produced milk, and my purse. Oh and I also carried the diaper bag and our baby out the door in the morning on our way to day care. In December, I used my Christmas money to buy myself a Sarah Wells pump bag. Buying this bag was the best decision ever. I went from carrying 4 bags to work every day to 1. The bag includes a spot for the pump, a cooler built right into the bag, plenty of room for pumping accessories, my wallet, phone, lunch and other things I kept in my purse. I would highly recommend every pumping mom to invest in a Sarah Wells bag.
What's In My Pump Bag?
2 | Water bottle // Staying hydrated is so important!
3 | Hands-free bra // I love to read or watch Netflix or text my husband while I text. It tends to be my only time alone during the day so it's nice to just relax for a several minutes. This bra allows you to use both hands while you pump making it basically possible to do anything while pumping.
4 | Lil'buds // I posted about these breast comfort packs in my Breastfeeding Essentials post while back, but these are also essential for pumping. I pop these in the microwave for a few seconds when I go to the fridge to get my pump parts and stick them in the hands-free bra while I pump. They are great to get milk flowing and have helped with so many clogged ducts I've felt starting. I have ones with lavender in them which helps with relaxing as well. She just came out with some adorable new prints so go check them out!
5 | Milk bags // To save on space, I put all my milk in milk bags. Running out of milk bags would not be a good thing so I like to make sure I have way more than I need. I've tried a few different brands and Lansinoh is the way to go. I've never had any problems with spilled or spoiled milk with them!
6 | Sharpie // The best marker I have found for writing on milk bags. Easy to use and read and it does not smear.
7 | Pump // Obviously my pump is in my bag! I love my Spectra pump. You can read all about the pumps I have tried here. It is still my most popular post to date!
8 | Accessories // Flanges, tubing, backflow protectors, 2 bottles, and valves which are all necessary parts to make a pump work.
9 | Ice packs // Not pictured, but I carry a couple ice packs in the cooler region of my pump bag for toting milk home after work.
10 | Snack // Also, not pictured but I always bring a snack along with me and I always keep a snack bar or two in my pump bag for a rainy day when I'm more hungry than usual. Much like staying plenty hydrated it is important to nourish yourself so you can nourish your baby!
Is there anything I forgot? What are your must haves in your pump bag?
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