Greenies Dental Treats Review

One of my favorite dog jokes to this day is one our mailman said to us when we first got Clover. He asked us, "Does she bite?" We responded with, "Oh no she's extremely friendly." He said back to us, "Well, then how does she eat?" I was speechless his response was so good! In all realness though pet dental hygiene is just as important as ours.

Growing up I remember my mom always brushing our family pets' teeth and what a tough job it was. Way to go Mom, you deserve a medal for all the times you brushed. When we got Clover I did not want to have to do that. We were looking at dental treats at Target and another fur mom was also in the aisle near us and we asked her what she thought of them. She told us she loved them, her dogs loved them, and that her vet always commented on how wonderful her dogs' teeth were. We ended up buying a months worth.

Dental treats are the easiest treats to give your dogs. Give your dog just one a day and your dog gets to enjoy a treat and they get their teeth cleaned. Just like the lady we talked to in Target, our vet always comments on how good our girls' teeth look. In our house our dogs always get their treats at lunchtime. I'll come home from work to let them out and eat lunch and after they go do their thing outside I'll give them a dental treat. They know the routine by heart and pretty much beat the door down to get their treat!

This month we had the opportunity to try Greenies Dental Treats thanks to our pals at Chewy. The variety pack comes with three flavors: Original, Blueberry, and Mint. We had never tried flavored dental treats before so we were excited to see if Clover and Piper could tell the difference. Honestly, they didn't really care about the flavor. They loved them all! However, in my opinion I think the mint flavor would be my favorite because it gives them a little extra fresh breath. Our girls love to give kisses so fresh breath is a necessity in our house.

I love that they are shaped like a little tooth brush! I'm such a sucker for small stuff like that and Greenies has really thought of the little things. Another thing I really liked was that they treats didn't dry out after the bag had been opened. One of the other brands we have tried dried out as time went on. So, even though the girls did not care for one flavor over another, it was fun to have a variety pack to try. I think we'll stick to the Original or Mint flavor in the future, the Blueberry smelled too much like people food for my liking! Greenies come in different sizes for all sizes and shapes of dogs. They even have a grain-free variety for those dogs with sensitivities.

Thank you Chewy for providing us with these treats as part of your Influencer program for Clover and Piper to try. All opinions are 100% my own!

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