18 Birth Affirmations + Free Printable

I shared in my How I Prepared for a Natural Birth post that I used birth affirmations throughout my labor. These simple words were so encouraging to me during this challenging time. Childbirth is so much of a brain thing, just as it is a physical thing! No matter what, I wanted to keep reminding myself that I could do it. In order to do this I needed to be prepared. I knew there were going to be difficult times, painful times, and times when I just wanted everything to be done. So, I wrote these simple birth affirmations down and asked my mom and my husband (my birth team) to read them to me throughout my labor when they knew I needed them.

For all you pregnant mama friends, whether your goal is a natural birth or not, we all need encouraging words during birth! So, I'm going to share the ones I wrote down with you and I've included a free printable at the end for you to print out and cut out and toss in your hospital bag. Speaking of which, inside my hospital bag I had a specific labor bag with my affirmations, essential oils, gum, etc. so it was quick to toss in our hospital bag (we were hoping to labor at home as long as possible), pull out of our bag at the hospital. This was easier than having my mom or husband go through all the things in our hospital bag to find something, since it was all in one bag already.

18 Encouraging Birth Affirmations

1 | It always seems impossible until it's done

2 | You are doing better than you think

3 | I can breathe through this contraction

4 | I relax & release by body, as best I can

5 | But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength 2 Tim 4:17

6 | You are going to feel like at some point you cannot do it...that is when your baby is coming

7 | When I am afraid I will trust in you Psalm 56:3

8 | I am relaxed and calm

9 | It's not pain, it progress

10 | The pain will not last forever

11 | The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy thats coming Romans 8:18

12 | You can do anything for one minute

13 | Inhale confidence, exhale doubt

14 | Everything is going well

15 | I am doing a fantastic job

16 | The pain is powerful, but I can handle it

17 | I accept this pain to welcome by baby into the world

18 | One contraction at a time and at the end of all this I'll have by little peanut

Want to download these real quick so you can take them along with you? Click this link or this link

Is there something you prepared before you gave birth to help you along the way? Share below!


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